The Hon. Justice J D Heydon (Australian High Court) gave a 3CL lecture entitled "How the Courts Develop Commercial Law By Looking Outside the Trial Record Into the External World". The lecture took place in room G24 at the Faculty of Law on Monday 24th January 2011.
Dr David Fox (St John's College, Cambridge) gave a work in progress seminar entitled "Legal Tender and Early Modern Monetary Management". The talk took place in the Faculty on Friday 28th January 2011.
Ms Amy Goymour (Downing College, Cambridge) gave a work in progress seminar entitled "Testing the boundaries of conversion: account-holders, intangible property and economic harm". The talk took place in the Faculty on Friday 25th February 2011.
Professor Cally Jordan (Melbourne University Law School/Visiting Scholar LSE) gave a lunchtime talk entitled "International Financial Standards and the Lex Mercatoria". The talk took place in the Faculty on Monday 7th March 2011.
Professor James Rogers (Boston College Law School; and Herbert Smith Visitor) gave a lunchtime seminar entitled “Securities Holding Through Intermediaries: Implications for Corporate Governance and Conflict of Laws”. The talk took place in the Faculty on Wednesday 4th May 2011.
Mark Leeming SC (New South Wales Bar, and Challis Lecturer in Equity at the University of Sydney) gave a lunchtime seminar entitled "Confidential information - same problems, different resolutions in the United Kingdom and Australia". The talk took place in the Faculty on Monday 3rd October 2011.
You can download the lecture using the link below:
Professor Cynthia Hawes (University of Canterbury) gave a lunchtime seminar entitled "Reversionary Interests in Goods". The talk took place in the Faculty on Monday 14th November 2011.
You can download the lecture using the link below: