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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Corporate Governance  Law, Regulation and TheoryPalgrave has published Corporate Governance: Law, Regulation and Theory by Marc Moore and Martin Petrin (UCL).

This book is the first ever academic text on UK corporate governance written from a dedicated legal perspective. It offers a clear, concise and accessible analysis of the legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance in the UK. In addition to informing readers about the core laws and regulatory principles that determine the allocation of decision-making power in UK public companies, the book also highlights how prevailing corporate governance norms operate within their broader market and societal context. In doing so, it seeks to encourage readers to develop their own critical opinions on the topic by reference to leading strands of theoretical and inter-disciplinary literature, along with relevant comparative and historical insights.

Dr Moore explains the authors’ motivation for writing this book:

"Like most lecturers who teach corporate governance to lawyers, we have badly missed having a reliable 'go to' textbook to direct our students to. Instead, we have previously been forced to rely on an ever-expanding pile of fragmented readings and documents. Therefore our selfish purpose in writing this textbook was to make our own lives as teachers a little easier and less labour-intensive. We hope that it will make your own experience of teaching corporate governance at law school more straightforward and enjoyable too."

For more information about this book, please refer to the Palgrave website. For information about other publications by Dr Moore, see his Faculty profile.
